A year has begun. And what happen in the beginning of every new year? What Would Kate Moss Do (every February)? Fashion Week! Yes, I know we still have to wait a few more weeks, but the booking of models has already begun. Who will be doing whoes show this year? I can't wait to find out. It's too bad Batlak & Selvig are not going to attend Oslo Fashion Week this year. They will be missed. But, they will do their own show later this spring, so I guess I have something to look forward to during spring as well.
Batlak & Selvig var ikke med i OFW i høst heller, men de hadde jo visning fordet ;) Kanskje de gjør noe lignende denne gangen også?! :)
ja, de skal det. Heldigvis! Men visningen kommer ikke før litt senere. Jeg tror de sa mars sist jeg møtte de...
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